Clean Energy & Climate Research Group
Our research is motivated by the challenge of global climate change and the need to transition to a low carbon economy. Our projects examine the technical and political factors that shape domestic and international energy and climate policy decisions. Much of our work is focused on China and its ability to adopt and innovate in advanced and low-emissions energy technologies. Understanding how China can and will respond to climate change advances our understanding of the global energy system and how it will evolve under environmental constraints.
We organize the Energy and Climate Policy Research Seminar Series which meets monthly at the Mortara Center for International Studies . We also have several forums for US-China climate engagement, including the US-China climate study group, the US-China Energy & Climate Cooperation Working Group.We previously organized the Georgetown US-China Research Dialogue on Climate Change.
Current Projects
International Partnerships and Technological Leapfrogging in China’s Clean Energy Sector
This project examines how clean energy technology collaboration between various countries and China is occurring and the role of international partnerships in reducing China’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Green Innovation and Technology Transfer in China’s Clean Energy Industries
This work examines China’s ability to adopt and innovate in advanced and low-emissions energy technologies, focusing on China’s wind, solar and energy storage industries.
Renewable Energy, Green Industrial Policy and Trade Disputes
This work examines the rise of renewable energy protectionism, emerging trade conflicts and implications for low carbon development around the world.
Synergies and Conflicts in Renewable Energy Policy and Climate Change Policy
This work looks at how participation in international climate change agreements influences national renewable energy policy design and influences renewable energy development.
China’s Role in International Climate Negotiations
This research examines the technical basis for China’s energy demand and carbon emissions and how changes in China’s domestic system have led to a transformation in China’s approach to global environmental diplomacy.
US-China Climate Change and Clean Energy Cooperation
Our work closely follows the state of U.S.-China relations on energy climate change including bilateral and multilateral partnerships and engagement.
Understanding China’s Role in Overseas Energy Investment
Our projects include an examination of China’s role in exporting coal plants across Southeast Asia and China’s role in the dissemination of solar PV technology throughout the developing world.